Mark Denver- Vintage Industrial

Welcome to a new layout! I’m in the middle of trying to work a better site and improve graphics. I love the new header silhouette- a bunny for easter! Changing up the silhouette randomly will be my little bit of fun! Let me know what you think!

So recently I went to an amazing vintage industrial store in Fitzroy. It is one of those places I have passed by forever and finally decided to stop in!

Mark Denver
You most likely have spotted this store if you’ve been out along Brunswick street. Most likely it has been a similar story to mine, I’ve always been there at night after all the stores have shut. It is the amazing thought and quirkiness that is created and displayed in the front windows that really made me determined to come back during business hours to see inside! Currently the windows have two giant pink dinosaurs. If you look back through the gallery on their web page at the previous window displays, you can really get a feel for the type of store this is. And I absolutely love it!

I controversially love a bit of taxidermy so it was kind of amazing to walk in and see enormous zebra, deer and camel heads on the wall. In the right home and space, they definitely have their place! Not so sure about the line of crows perched up high, seemingly watching over us though!

This is the place to come if you want to look through some really quirky homewares and display pieces. I’m not going to ruin it and tell you all that I saw, but if you’re up for less of a hunt and more deliberate product placement than you would get at The Junk Company then this is the place to come! From vintage world maps to garden ornaments to mannequins- some with removable internal organs (a perfect gift idea for the sister I think), trophies and turtle shells. Useful items like clocks, glass jars, oars and world map globes are great decorating pieces that I have found here in great condition. Its a small store but it packs a lot in!

Very much a must visit store, even if you are not looking to buy it is the most intriguing place to visit, so many fun finds here!

407 Brunswick street, Fitzroy
Online here


Ever noticed this bright spark?

Image Image

Excuse the reflection from the glass in both of these!


Antlers garlore. Amazing huge train station clock!



Filed under Home, Stores

4 responses to “Mark Denver- Vintage Industrial

  1. D. Raz

    I need some antlers! Thanks for this one I’m going to check it out :)) x

  2. Oh!! Love the antlers! What a quirky shop.
    Your new layout looks great too! I like the idea of changing the silhouette…..a nice touch. 🙂

    • Aw thanks! I’m pretty stoked considering zero computer experience! Waiting for my very talented graphic designer friend to finish her web design course, then watch out world!
      Yes the shop is pretty unique! I’m now on the hunt for plates, youve inspired me to do a wall display too!

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